Long Eaton Victoria Angling Society

Established in 1880


Long Eaton Victoria Angling Society – Constitution


  1. The Society shall be called the Long Eaton Victoria Angling Society, and its object shall be to promote the art of angling and encourage fellowship amongst anglers.


  1. The Society shall comprise: -

(a)  Full members as follows:

      i).         Full Adult (over 18 on the 1st May)

      ii).         Intermediate (Over 15 but Under 18 on the 1st May)

      iii).        Juniors (under 15 on 1st May)

      iv).        Concessionary (ie members aged of 65 or over and people with                                          disabilities who are in possession of a current Environment Agency                                   Concessionary Rod Licence)

                   (Membership year for full members is from 1 May to 30 April following)

(b)  Temporary Members

( c ) The Society will follow the guidelines set out by the governing body of angling in relation to equal opportunities, child protection and safeguarding

(d) The Society will utilise the guidelines set out by the governing body of angling in relation to Data Protection (GDPR)


  1. (a) The Officers shall comprise of: - President, Chairman, General Secretary, Treasurer, Membership & Bookings Secretary, Match Secretary, and Fisheries Officer. All Officers shall be ex-officio members of the committee.

(b)  All Officers and a committee of up to ten shall be elected annually.  In order to be eligible for re-election at an Annual General Meeting (AGM) officers and Committee must have attended at least 50% of meetings since the previous AGM.  Sub Committees may be set up as appropriate.

(c) The full Committee shall hold meetings when required (at least 4 per year) to conduct business of the Society between AGMs and will make decisions on matters of policy.  Decisions made shall be decided by a majority vote of those present.

A minimum number of 4 Officers and/or Committee is required to make the meeting quorate. Where it is considered to be in the best interests of the Society the Committee will call a Special General Meeting.  Where circumstances dictate the Committee may conduct meetings using either virtual platforms and/or electronic mail.

In all cases the Chairman will have the casting vote.


(d) Appointed Officers of the Society are empowered to purchase any fishing rights, access rights or other assets on behalf of the Society and its members in pursuance of its aims and objectives, subject to the approval of the members of the full Committee as may be appropriate.  The said Officers, (normally be the Trustees appointed from and by the Officers and Committee,) are empowered to pledge such monies and/or assets of the Society by way of collateral, as may be required in specific circumstances, in order to secure an appropriate loan or mortgage for the purpose of such purchase.

(e)  The Annual General Meeting will normally be held on the third Monday in March.  Members wishing to have any business included in the agenda should notify the General Secretary in writing NO LESS THAN 14 DAYS before the meeting.

Members are encouraged to check www.levas.co.uk and join the LEVAS Facebook page. 

(f) Any surplus income shall be re-invested in the Society. No surpluses and/or assets shall be distributed to members or third parties

(g) In the event of dissolution of the Society any remaining assets shall be given or transferred to another registered CASC, a registered charity or the sport’s governing body for use by them in community sports.


  1. Full membership in whatever category (see rule 2) is open to anyone subject to the following:

(a)  Any person who is over 18 years of age or over on 1st May must take out a Full Adult Membership except where they are eligible for a Concessionary Membership.

(b)  Concessionary (members 65 years or over & Disabled) is available ONLY to those people in possession of a current Environment Agency Concessionary Rod Licence

(c)  All members shall notify any change of address to the Membership Secretary within 28 days.


  1. The Committee may refuse, suspend or terminate membership where the character and/.or conduct of a member, or applicant, is considered by the Committee to be detrimental to the interests of the Society and/or likely to bring the Society and/or the sport of angling into disrepute. Such a member, or applicant, shall be invited to appear before the Committee to give an explanation. In the event of this being unsatisfactory or of non-appearance, the Committee shall decide a relevant penalty. The member, or applicant, may appeal such a decision. Such an appeal will be heard at a special general meeting of members.


  1. Any member bringing a charge against another member shall do so in writing. This will be assessed by the Committee who will then take any appropriate action.


  1. (a)Members should carry their membership cards at all times when fishing Society waters and will produce them if required to do so. Anyone fishing Members’ Only water not in possession of the current Membership Book will be asked to leave.

(b)  On other waters a Temporary Membership ticket must be purchased.

(c)  Members wishing to fish Society waters which shall remain open for fishing between 1st May and 15th June inclusive, MUST have purchased the current Year Book.

(d)  All members fishing Society waters will be in possession of a current Environment Agency Rod Licence.

(e)  All Junior members MUST, at all times, be accompanied by a responsible adult who is also a member of the Society


  1. Each member is empowered to ask any angler fishing Society waters to produce a current Year Book or Temporary Membership Form as appropriate, and is further empowered to act as a Bailiff on behalf of the Society.

(Updated April 2024)